NPE Classes content
The class
"The influencies of the stars are nothing less than unconscious and introspective perceptions of the Collective Unconscious"
Carl Jung
Based on my knowledge and work with Astrology for 30 years and with SRT since 2004, I created a system where you can understand, clear and neutralize your relationship with the planets of the Solar System.
Each of the planets and signs symbolize a
Archetype in particular. They are symbols in the human psyche that are expressed through our personality.
If we can understand it, we can clear the identification and neutralize its energetic influences.
This is not an Astrology class.
This is dowsing class.
Previous knowledge of astrology is not necessary to take the class.
In this class you were able to indetify those symbols in your own individual astrological map that I will provide; get an objetive approch to each one of the influences and clear them to minimize the energy impact in your life.
Information about class schedule HERE
Prerequisite to take any module: to be a SRT practitioner or have taken the INTRO class to learn how to dowse.
Both classes are offered in this site.
Each Module can be taken individualy in any order except for Module 5.
To take Module 5 requires
having taken the first 4 Modules.
You will need to provide your natal information: day, month, year, place & time of birth.
NPE module 1 - content
Class Introduction
Identify the location of the luminaries on your own astral map
Sun as a essence. Moon as a reflector in the mind
The Father & the Mother
Learn their symbolism and what that means in your life
Clear the harmonious & tense relatioship between them
Clear the luminaries on different signs in past lives and in the Soul journey
Eclipses and how to manage them.
Endocrine system & organs: Sun & Moon
Planets Music Score
NPE module 2 - content
Identify the location of the Personal Planets: Mercury, Venus & Mars on your astral map
The 3 center: Mental, Emotional and Physical
Learn their symbolism and what that means in your life
Clear the harmonous & tense aspects between them
House system & areas of life
Elements & modes
Endocrine system & organs: Mercury, Venus & Mars
Planets Music Score
Mercury, Venus & Mars retrogrades.
Clear the harmonious & tense aspects between the Luminaries and the 3 planets
Clearing residual energies from the past lives Natal Maps as part of the Soul journey
NPE module 3 - content
Identify the location of the Social Planets: Jupiter, Saturn on your astral map
Chiron and its healing purpose
Essential Dignities
Learn their symbolism and what that means in your life
The acelerador & the break. How to manage it?
Clear the harmonious & tense aspects between the Social planets
Clear the harmonious & tense aspects between the Luminaries and the Social planets
Saturn's cycles & returns
Endocrine system & organs: Jupiter & Saturn
Planets Music Score
Jupiter & Saturn retrogrades.
Clearing residual energies from the past lives Natal Maps as part of the Soul journey
NPE module 4 - content
Identify the location of the generational Planets: Pluto, Neptune & Uranus on your astral map
Personal cycles and colletive energies
Learn their symbolism and what that means in your life
The transformation, the dream and evolution
Clear the harmonious & tense aspects between the generacional planets
Clear the harmonious & tense aspects between the personal, social & generational planets
Endocrine system & organs: Pluto, Neptune & Uranus
Planets Music Score
Pluto, Neptune & Uranus retrogrades.
Module 5 requires having taken the first 4 modules
NPE module 5 - content
Wrap up: review Q&A of Module 1,2,3,4
The astral map as a whole system and how to integrate each one of the parts
Currents transist & life cycles.
Solar Returns
Integrating the learning & reseting the astrológical Divine Plan
The nodes: Life Purpose. How to balance it out in this life and other lives: past, future, paralell, etc.
Working with others
Class material
You will receive your Natal Map to work in the class
Manual with descripciones and procedures
Charts to be able to performance the clearings
Information about class schedule HERE
Details about NPE sessions HERE